APPG hosts Ministerial briefing

On 20 March, the APPG for the UN Global Goals hosted a briefing between Minister Andrew Mitchell, and APPG members, to question the Minister on the implementation of the International Development White Paper.

This was a follow-up to the consultation meeting held last November, where APPG members had the opportunity to feed into the policy development of the White Paper.

The Minister opened the meeting with an update on implementation of the White Paper so far, and his hopes that due to the extensive cross-party consultation, the paper will have a legacy for international development beyond the next election and including if there is a change in government. He reiterated his view that international development is not a party political issue, but a British one, before taking questions from Parliamentarians in the room. He particularly highlighted its focus on climate and biodiversity and the role of partnerships, and the £1 billion to tackle humanitarian crises. He also spoke about BII (British International Investment), and the impact of linking state money with the private sector to unlock investment. 

Minister Andrew Mitchell meets with members of the APPG in the House of Lords - 20 March 2024

Twelve members of the APPG, from the Commons and the Lords, then questioned the Minister on topics including global debt relief, the re-establishment of 0.7%, the diversion of ODA into in-country refugee spending. There were also questions on global education, nutrition, and the UK’s role in the forthcoming Summit of the Future.

The APPG has regular engagements with the Minister, and is an opportunity for Parliamentarians to question and influence the work of the FCDO across the broad remit of the UK’s delivery of the SDGs.

We have more events coming up in Parliament throughout 2024, and if you would like to join the APPG and attend, please do contact Eden at


Annual General Meeting 2024 summary and new officers